Zip, Zilch, Nada – The CORE Group Hits Zero

There are not too many things in life where finishing with nothing is something one can be proud of but in 2015 The CORE Group did exactly that. They not only finished the year without a single first aid, recordable or lost time incident, but they did it in one of their busiest years on record.   For a company that values people as it’s number one asset, The CORE Group takes tremendous pride in this accomplishment.    

The average number of serious accidents for commercial construction employers in California is two serious accidents per 100 workers and it has been over two years since the last injury to a CORE employee. Construction is a risky enough endeavor on a good day and with the fast track nature of most projects, the ever increasing need to coordinate multiple trades in one space at the same time and the numerous and growing demands on project teams, finishing injury free is something to celebrate. Not only does it take a great amount of commitment, effort and communication but it requires the type of caring people that The CORE Group is happy to call part of their team. Thanks for nothing!